Join us in celebrating the 38th annual Festival Argentino 2025
An annual - long festival celebrating the culture of Argentina & Latin-America 
through Music, Food, Exhibitors and Culture and more!

Welcome to our Video 



ARTISTS to be confirmed * 2025

Our latest and best photos

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.

Los famosos Fronterizos *
from Argentina

Los Alonsitos 40 Aniversario

Lele Lovato 1 Top Level Violin of Argentina from Argentina

Folklore Musica Band Brios from Salta Argentina 

Group  ARgentina 

Sol Cuyano Director Adriana Argentina

Carlos Gutierrez Tango Dancer

Quito Lecesse
Singer Folklore

Emmanuel Trifilio Bandoneon

Next Events

Saturday, May 31st The 38th Festival Argentino USA in Arlington, VA 




The Preview Night

Resto Bar Chilcanos in Arlington, VA




30 Artists
in the Festival Argentino 

200 S. Carlin Springs Rd. Arl VA 22204




38th Festival Argentino USA

Kemore 200 S. Carlin Springs Rd. Arl VA 22204

Exhibitor Fest

Booth Space 


Exhibitor Fest 

May 31 at Kenmore in Arlington, Virginia 


Space & Booth 

Space & Booth


About / Acerca del Festival Argentino USA 
El Festival Argentino USA celebra las vibrantes y diversas culturas que enriquecen nuestra comunidad. Presentamos el rico patrimonio de Argentina y América Latina a través del arte, la comida y la cultura. Este evento ofrece una plataforma para que artistas, chefs y performers locales e internacionales compartan su talento con el público. Al apoyar a pequeñas empresas y emprendedores, buscamos fomentar tanto el crecimiento económico como el espíritu comunitario.

Festival Argentino USA celebrates the vibrant and diverse cultures that enrich our community. We showcase the rich heritage of Argentina and Latin America through art, food, and culture. This event provides a platform for international and local artists, chefs, and performers to share their talents with the public. By supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs, we aim to foster both economic growth and a stronger community spirit. 


Food Food
Are you ready to eat?
We are too!

Be sure to enjoy delicious treats while supporting local and international vendors.

Food prices will be available at the event. Participating sellers in 2024:

For Food Vendor

New Update Nov 2024

Program Guide

The Festival Argentino USA programming includes live Argentine and Latin American music, dance, tango, rock-pop, typical foods (grilled barbecue) and much more! 

From live performances to other activities clowns, and soccer familiar there’s something for everyone.

New Update Nov 2024

Stands / Booths

The Argentine Festival welcomes 37 artisan and community vendors to the event each year. Artisanal vendors sell a variety of products, including foods,  crafts, handmade body products, jewelry, clothing, books & more.

Community groups display and distribute information about their organization and services. Artisan Vendors & Community Exhibitors 

New Update Nov 2024 


Expositor Fest Celebration Discover the finest crafts and services at the annual Argentine Festival.

Every year, on the Saturday following Mother's Day in USA, Expositor Fest invites you to enjoy a unique experience.

Event Details:

Date and Time: May 31, 2025, from 3:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Location: Kenmore

Reasons to Participate:

By purchasing at Expositor Fest, you are supporting talented artisans and contributing to job creation. Build a sustainable business by endorsing artisanal crafts. Happy Artisans, Happy Customers.

Join Us on a Special Argentine-Latin Day. 

[email protected] Link

Festival Argentino USA

May 31, 2025 
3:30pm 10:30pm

¡Tu compromiso con el Festival Argentino es admirable e inspirador! Valoramos tu presencia, incluso a la distancia, ya que demuestras tu apoyo y la riqueza que aportas a la celebración de la cultura y la diversidad. ¡Gracias por ser parte esencial de esta experiencia y por contribuir a hacer de cada edición un festín de compañerismo y alegría!

Your commitment to the Argentine festival is admirable and genuinely inspiring!

We value your presence, even from a distance, as you demonstrate your support and the richness you bring to the celebration of culture and diversity.

Thank you for being an essential part of this unique experience and for helping to make each edition a true feast of camaraderie and joy! 


May 31, 2025 
3:30pm 10:30pm

Descubre las mejores artesanías y servicios en el Festival Argentino anual.

Cada año, el sábado después del Día de la Madre en EE.UU., el Exhibidor Fest te invita a disfrutar de una experiencia única.

Detalles del Evento:
Fecha y Hora: 1 de junio de 2024, de 3:30 p. m. 10:30 pm

Ubicación: Kenmore Middle School. Razones para Participar:

Al comprar en el Exhibidor Fest, estás apoyando a talentosos artesanos y contribuyendo a la creación de empleo. Construye un negocio sostenible al respaldar oficios artesanales. Artesanos Felices, Clientes Felices.

Únete a Nosotros en un Día Especial Argentino y Latinoamericano. 

[email protected] 


Join the festival planning committee or volunteer onsite at the event


Getting Here

The event is held at Kenmore State of the Arts in Arlington, Virginia



Partnership help keep the event going. Learn more on how to partner with us.

Help us keep the Festival Argentino going strong!
In-kind and monetary donations are accepted and appreciated. 

[email protected] 

About the Festival Argentino 2025

The Argentine Festival 2025 will take place on Saturday, May 31, from 3:30 p.m. m. to 10:30 p.m. at Kenmore Middle School, Arlington, Virginia. The festival welcomes hundreds of people annually and will include a variety of live musical and dance performances, great local and international vendors, interactive children's entertainment, delicious Argentinian Latin American food, and an exciting community spirit. The event is $25 in advance and includes free parking, a raffle, and a full afternoon of interesting programming for people of all ages. Email: [email protected]

How to get there link

Kenmore Middle School 200 S. Carlin Springs Rd. Arlington, Virginia 22204

By Bus Go to:
Metro Stop Ballston - Bus Route 4AB/25B

Update March 2024


Volunteers are needed to help with decoration installation and flag takedown at the event on Sat. June 1, 2024. You can also volunteer with other options. 

Volunteers will be on site for up to three hours sometime between 9:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. m. and 6 p.m. m.
To sign up to volunteer:  [email protected]

Update March 2024

Support Festival Argentino 

Help us keep the Argentine Festival valid!
Sponsors, Auspices, In-kind and monetary donations are accepted and appreciated.

Email: Daniel Manzoni [email protected] to find out how to participate.

Update March 2024

We Welcome the Support
Copa Airlines in 2025

 Raffle: 2 tickets from the USA to Argentina's destinations of Copa Airlines

General Admission is $25 in advance and includes a Raffle and Free Parking on Sat. May 31st, 2025

Welcome to our 38th Edition

Announcement in Spanish

Welcome to our 37th Edition

26 Sec Festival Argentino 2024

40 Anniversary of Los Alonsitos in the USA and 38th Artists in the Program 2025
38th Festival Argentino Sat. May 31, at Kenmore in Arlington, VA 22204

All The Artists in the Program 2025 

Tickets Link

 in 2025 38th Edition

Welcome to our 37th Festival Argentino Sat. June 1, at Kenmore in Arlington, Virginia 22204

See you there at 200 S. Carlin Springs Rd. Arlington, VA 22204


Sponsor Kaiser Permanente, Copa Airline, Verizon, Visit Fairfax, Giant and more in 2025!

Diversity Diplomacy Matters: 38th Argentine Festival "Corazón de mi patria" 

On Friday, May 30, 2025, from 6 pm to 9 pm a Preview: Argentine Night. May 31st, 2025, from 3:30 pm to 8:45 pm (Vendors). The Festival ends show 10:30 pm at Kenmore Middle School, 200 S. Carlin Springs Rd, Arl. Virginia Should you have any questions? Please write to email: [email protected] #FestivalArgentinoUSA Teléfono 📲 703 212 5850 ✅ (571) 243-2614

Welcome #Reel Chef Zambrano to our 37th Festival Argentino Saturday, June 1, at Kenmore in Arlington, Virginia 22204

See you at the Festival with Food Vendors like Gaucho Bros, Camila, Empanadas & Churros, Ice Cream and more!

Tickets Link 

The Resilience 37th Argentine Festival  "Corazón de mi patria" 

On Friday, May 31st, 2024, from 6 pm to 9 pm a Preview: Argentine Night.
June 1st, 2024, from 3:30 pm to 8:45 pm (Vendors). The Festival ends show 10:30 pm
at Kenmore Middle School, 200 S. Carlin Springs Rd, Arl. Virginia
Should you have any questions?
Please write to email: [email protected] #FestivalArgentinoUSA
Teléfono 📲 703 212 5850 ✅ (571) 243-2614 

Sat. June 1, 2024 


Festiva Argentino USA
Exclusive Presentation One Day 

Sat. June 1, 2024


Festival Argentino USA
Exclusive Presentation One Day

Preview Argentine Night
At the Gran La Llajta
on Friday, May 31st, 2024
From 6:30-8:30 PM 

Buy your ticket now!

Limited Capacity to 100 plus  

June 1, 2024, at the Kenmore in Arlington, Virginia will be the 37th Festival Argentino USA and email: [email protected] 

Daniel Manzoni 


Declared of Cultural Interest by the SECRETARY OF CULTURE

Friday, May 31st The Preview Night 
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm 

& June 1st The 37th Festival Argentino at
Kenmore Auditorium, VA 3:30 pm to 10:30 pm 

EXPO-STAND CONTACT: [email protected] 

Argentine Festival 2024
The Preview on Friday, May 31st6:30 pm - 8:30 pm  
Free parking, Dancing, an Artist's Show, & Raffle.  Food and Drinks for Sale. 
The 37th Festival Argentino is on Sat. June 1st at KENMORE Middle School, ARL. VA  3:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Free parking, Artist's Show & Raffle. Expositors, Food, and Drinks for Sale.   

Both events are ticketed events and open to all ages...

The Argentine Festival highlights the culture, food, music, and arts of the Arlington-Fairfax, and DC area’s Latin-American communities and more! About this event, the Fairfax-Arlington Argentine Festival, a project of Festival Argentino, Inc., is an annual event that includes live music, dance performances, diverse foods, expositors international and local, and other fun activities for the entire family, all in celebration of the cultural heritage and contributions of the Argentine Latin American communities to our city, to Virginia, and to our nation. The activities and entertainment are as follows:

The Preview on May 31st begins at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
The Festival Argentino on June 1 starts at 3:30 p.m. and ends at 10:30 p.m.

Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Volunteer Opportunities Available

: [email protected] 

Visit us at
for more information about the event activities and entertainment.

Declared of Cultural Interest by the SECRETARY OF CULTURE 

Friday, May 31, 2024, Preview Night 
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm 

& June 1st, 2024 
The 37th Festival Argentino at
Kenmore Auditorium, VA 3:30 pm to 10:30 pm  

We welcome our partners for 2024 Fairfax County Virginia Connect America, Chef Zambrano, Gaucho Bros, Camila, Revista Latina, Metro Latino USA,  Dialogo Argentino Americano, and more!  Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Should you contact any sponsor?  Please let them know you saw the announcement in the Newsletter of Festival Argentino. Thank you!

Si contacta a algun sponsor. Por favor, digales que vio este anuncio en el Newsletter del Festival Argentino. Gracias!

EXPO-STAND CONTACT: [email protected] 

APR. more update 2024

A brief promo of the 37th Festival Argentino on June 1st, from 3:30pm to 10:30pm at Kenmore Auditorium. Click the logo to see tickets and read .

English TV Spot

Show for the whole family your music here

A spectacular annual show of the power of the Argentine and Latin American music: Tango, Dancers, Folklore, Rock, Pop, artists from Argentina and locals ...Showcasing Gran Argentine Barbecue, Exhibitor Fest, Embracing Arts in Arlington &  Cultural Equity! Benefiting a School.

The Outreach here.

Read more

Diplomacy and Festival Argentino

¡Mantener la Argentinidad es una acción permanente!
Maintaining Argentina is a permanent action!
Learn more about what we do to share our culture

 Spanish Link 

El patriotismo, la historia, la fe no son un proyecto, son las condiciónes necesarias de un proyecto. Asi nace el Festival Argentino.

Luchamos para mantener la identidad cultural, con espíritu generoso y valiente, que nos llevó a conseguir, procesar y asimilar nuevos conocimientos y destrezas de aprendizaje y enseñanza.

Debemos continuar y seguir como hacedores de la cultura, que es la clave para un retorno participativo, dando, sin recriminar a nadie y con la fe que tuvieron los patriotas que lucharon por la Argentinidad.

No hay mal que por bien no venga, pues la pandemia nos permitió redescubrir el valor de la solidaridad e interacción entre las personas, y fortaleció tanto nuestra capacidad para superar los obstáculos y concretar objetivos, como así también nuestras ganas de vivir y compartir nuestra cultura.

¡Nos vemos todos en el Festival Argentino "Corazón de mi patria" para celebrar la vida en un DIA ARGENTINO EN LIBERTAD CULTURAL.

Read more

English Link

Patriotism, history, faith are not a project, they are the necessary conditions for a project. This is how the Argentine Festival was born.

We fought to maintain our cultural identity, with a generous and courageous spirit, which led us to obtain, process, and assimilate new knowledge and learning and teaching skills.

We must continue and continue as makers of culture, which is the key to a participatory return, giving, without blaming anyone and with the faith that the patriots who fought for Argentina had.

There is no harm that does not come, because the pandemic allowed us to rediscover the value of solidarity and interaction between people, and strengthened both our ability to overcome obstacles and achieve goals,
as well as our desire to live
and share our culture.

See you all at the Argentine Festival "Corazón de mi patria" to celebrate life in the United States with an  ARGENTINE DAY & CULTURAL FREEDOM.

Read more

40 Seconds 35th Editon

Announcement in Spanish.

Konceptual LLC Festival Argentino Video 1hr 

Video highlight of the 35th Festival Argentino here.

CapitalWirePR  Press Release Archive Released!
ART Diplomacy and Festival Argentino


Link: English Press Release 


Bien Argentino y Latinoamericano


Nos vemos pronto! 

El Tiempo Latino

Link: Spanish Press Release 


Learn more about an Immigrant Succeed Story 

The Washington Hispanic Online

By Carina Durn